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Video Game Survival Guide for Parents and Kids

KONTAK PERKASA FUTURES - Most parents would prefer their kids spend more time reading books than playing violent video games, and another study, published in JAMA Pediatrics, confirms that their instincts are correct: Violent video games are again linked to an increase in aggression. The kids who reported playing more violent video games were more likely to think hitting was acceptable and were more likely to fantasize about violence than kids who did not, the research found. The new study also shows that these emotional changes happen in kids regardless of their age or gender, or how aggressive the child is from the start.

KONTAK PERKASA FUTURES - But even all the scientific research in the world probably isn’t enough to convince your kid to put down the controller — 90 percent of American children play video games, after all. So as a parent, what can you do to make sure your kid isn’t overexposed to violent video games? Here’s a guide for what amount, and what kind, of play is appropriate for different ages.

KONTAK PERKASA FUTURES - 0-2 Years Old: Kids this age shouldn’t even be exposed to television screens, never mind play video games, said study author Craig Anderson, PhD, director of the Center for the Study of Violence at Iowa State University. The young brain is still developing, so exposure to overwhelming amounts of information on screens is difficult for babies to process, and might lead to attention problems later in life.

2-6 Years Old: Even though your child has probably figured out how to use the television by now, Dr. Anderson still recommends that they don’t start playing video games quite yet. He says there are too many other things that kids this age need to focus their brain energy on, such as learning to read, playing with other children, and playing outside.

7 and Older: Anderson recommends that at this age, kids can play, but they shouldn’t play more than 5-10 hours a week.

“Anything over 10 hours a week, and you have to start asking ‘what is this person learning,’” Anderson said. If a kid starts playing more than that, it might cut into other healthy activities, like being active, and forming friendships, he said.

Kristen Eastman, PsyD, a doctor of pediatric behavioral health at the Cleveland Clinic, said that she often advises parents to make video games a treat, rather than something a kid can do anytime. She advises that playing only happens after homework is done, chores are completed, and the child has been active in some way. “Rather than kids assuming they can play, they need to earn it,” she said.

The research studied the effect of video games over a three-year period of repeated use. So even if your kid ends up playing a violent game at a friend’s house one afternoon, the risk associated with video games is really more about the standards you set at home than isolated experiences, Anderson noted.

What Type of Games to Play: There are plenty of non-violent games that focus more on cooperation and reward positive social behavior. Those are good choices for your kids, Anderson said.

The rating on a game doesn’t guarantee that it’s not violent, he emphasized. “Ninety percent of E-rated games have ‘happy’ violence,” Anderson said. Even though there’s no blood, violence is still encouraged. “If the player has to kill someone or harm another creature to advance in the game, that’s the definition of media violence,” Anderson said.

In order to avoid this, Anderson recommended parents read the descriptors, and see if there’s any kind of “action violence” or “comic violence.” It’s also easy to find short clips of games and reviews online, so parents can see first-hand if there are better or worse games.

And when it comes to bloody, gore-filled games? “Those types of games should be out — they’re not allowed in my own household,” he said.

What Time of Day to Play: Both Easton and Anderson emphasized that kids shouldn’t play video games too close to bed, since they tend to overstimulate them and keep them awake. Instead the hour before bed should be spent reading and shifting to calmer, quieter activities.

“You don’t want your kids doing something that gets them all hyped up right before bedtime,” Anderson said.

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